2024 Annular Solar Eclipse: Discover Where to See the ‘Ring of Fire’

A celestial spectacle for a select few

On October 2, 2024, a rare and stunning astronomical phenomenon will cross the skies: the annular solar eclipse. Commonly known as the “ring of fire,” this event occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth but does not completely block out the star, creating a unique visual effect of a luminous ring around the Moon.


The annular solar eclipse is a rare and beautiful astronomical event. If you have the opportunity to observe it, be sure to prepare and take all necessary precautions to ensure a safe and unforgettable experience.

One of the most anticipated astronomical phenomena of 2024 will be the annular solar eclipse, also known as the “Ring of Fire.” This rare event occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, but does not completely cover the star, leaving a bright ring around the lunar shadow. The 2024 annular solar eclipse promises to be a fascinating spectacle and will be visible in various regions of the world.

Where to see the eclipse?

The path of annularity, that is, the region where the eclipse will be visible as a complete ring of fire, will be relatively narrow and will primarily traverse southern Chile and Argentina. However, a partial solar eclipse can be observed in a much wider area, including other parts of South America and the Pacific Ocean.


Why does the annular solar eclipse occur?

The distance between the Moon and Earth varies throughout its orbit. When a solar eclipse occurs and the Moon is at its farthest point from Earth (apogee), it appears smaller in the sky and cannot completely cover the Sun, resulting in the “ring of fire.”

How to safely observe the eclipse?

It is extremely important to never look directly at the Sun, even during an eclipse, as this can cause irreversible damage to the eyes. To safely observe the eclipse, it is recommended to use:

  • Eclipse glasses: These glasses have special filters that block harmful sunlight and allow safe viewing of the phenomenon.
  • Telescopes with solar filters: Observing the eclipse through a telescope with a suitable solar filter is another safe option.
  • Projection: A simple and safe way to observe the eclipse is by projecting the image of the Sun onto a white surface using a small hole in a piece of paper.

Upcoming solar eclipses

The next annular solar eclipse after 2024 will occur on February 17, 2026, and will be primarily visible in Antarctica.

Don’t miss this spectacle!

What is an Annular Solar Eclipse?

Unlike a total solar eclipse, where the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s light, an annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is farthest from Earth in its elliptical orbit. This causes the Moon’s apparent diameter to be smaller than that of the Sun, creating the visual effect of a “ring of fire” around the Moon. Although the sky does not become completely dark as in a total eclipse, the phenomenon is still stunning and rare.

Where will the ‘Ring of Fire’ be Visible?

The path of annularity will cross countries in North and Central America. Below are some of the prime regions to observe the “Ring of Fire”:

  • United States: Some of the main areas where the eclipse will be visible in its annular form include the state of Oregon, California, and Nevada.
  • Mexico: Various parts of the country, such as the Yucatán Peninsula, will have a spectacular view of the event.
  • Central America: Countries such as Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica will also be in the path of annularity.

In addition, other countries and regions in the Americas will have the opportunity to observe a partial solar eclipse, even if they are not directly in the path of the “Ring of Fire.” This eclipse will be a unique opportunity for astronomy enthusiasts and for those who wish to witness a breathtaking natural event.

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